
Kampoeng Ahok : Fenomenal Governor's house

Kampoeng Ahok : Fenomenal Governor's house Belitung now begin to be considered as a tourist destination in Indonesia. The natural bea...

Kampoeng Ahok : Fenomenal Governor's house

Belitung now begin to be considered as a tourist destination in Indonesia. The natural beauty, became a filming location Laskar Pelangi is the reason why so Belitung reckoned attraction destination. Belitung, also widely known as a place for Jakarta Governor Basuki Purnama Tjahaja raised.

Not only beach tourism, one of the places which are visited during a trip to Belitung is home Guberbur Jakarta are often addressed Ahok it. The house, known as Kampung Ahok is located in the village of Gantong, District Gantong, East Belitung, Bangka Belitung province.

If lucky, you can get into the house Ahok very extended. But if not, the camp can only take pictures at home yanga stage in front of the main house.

The house is usually only opened when the younger brother, Basuri Tjahaja Purnama, or other family was at home. This was done as a form of home security.

Ahok in front of the house, there is a batik gallery of Belitung, namely batik Simpor. Not only that, there are also a lot of sellers of souvenirs Beitung such as handicrafts and garments Belitung.

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